Project Description
Do you want to achieve more and more easily? Do you want to communicate more effectively and to be more helpful to others?
Master The PULSE of Coaching!
4 Steps to Coaching Excellence
Next open groups
15 October 2024
Sign up for the autumn edition of the coach training in Bulgarian language.
Sign up today and book your place!
April 2025
Sign up for the spring edition of the coach training in Bulgarian language.
Sign up today and book your place!
October 2025
Sign up for the autumn edition of the coach training in Bulgarian language.
Sign up today and book your place!
Coach Training (Steps 1-3)
The Coach Training is for YOU, if you want to:
Master coaching as a methods for managing and motivating people and teams;
Use coaching skills in your work and life;
Communicate more effectively with the others;
Excel your leadership skills;
Become a professional coach.
What is in the Coach Training for YOU:
Complete model and structure for conducting powerful coaching sessions;
Multiple techniques and approaches that you can apply in your communication;
Increased capacity for listening and understanding;
Practice coaching with your colleagues and get feedback and mentoring from Mentor-Coaches, members of the International Coach Federation (ICF);
Access to demo coaching sessions at different levels of proficiency in the 8 ICF Core Coaching Competences;
Develop professional coaching skills;
Benefit from individual coaching with experienced and accredited coaches;
Certificate of completion, according to the ICF requirements for Coach Specific Training;
Be able to proceed with your coaching development towards individual credentialing with ICF.
How does the coach training work
3 Steps, 7 months, 130 hours of training
Skills for developing people, teams and ideas
Coaching techniques, approaches and instruments
Live online training in Bulgarian/English language
Individual coaching with a professional coach of choice
Certificate of completed training per ICF standards
Next open groups
15 October 2024
Sign up for the winter edition of the coach training in Bulgarian language.
Sign up today and book your place!
April 2025
Sign up for the spring edition of the coach training in Bulgarian language.
Sign up today and book your place!
October 2025
Sign up for the first edition of the coach training in English language.
Sign up today and book your place!
Step 1*
At the end of Step 1, You will have clarity on the principles of the coaching approach. You will have a variety of effective techniques for having a structured coaching conversation. You will be familiar with the international standards in the coaching profession, defined by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and will be able to use coaching approach in you work and personal life. You will have an understanding of:
Basic coaching concepts;
How and why the coaching process works;
The nature and regulation of coaching relationship with a coachee or client (the person who receives coaching);
Areas of coaching application;
The 8 Core Coaching Competencies of the ICF;
The structure the coaching conversation as per “Ladder of coaching competencies ©”.
* Step 1 is available as 5 day on-site training for companies who are interested in developing their leaders and introducing a coaching culture to management.
Step 2
At the end of Step 2, You will be able to support your coaching clients in achieving greater clarity, discovering new perspectives, exploring various opportunities and making conscious choices towards reaching their personal and professional goals. You will master the specific tools, techniques and processes that make coaching conversations powerful and effective. You will have the ability to:
Build an effective long-term relationships with coaching clients;
Provoke clients to focus on desired outcomes and new opportunities;
Conduct a profound coaching session with a high level of awareness by the client;
Support clients in prioritizing, planning and time management;
Use various creative approaches to coaching conversation;
Retain coaching presence in challenging situations.
Step 3
At the end of Step 3, You will have gained deep insight for discovering client’s values, beliefs and sources of motivation. You will integrate all the knowledge accumulated so far for even higher level of impact and professionalism during the coaching conversation. You will be able to:
Help your clients identify the factors that affect and motivate them;
Provoke clients to build a strong and motivating vision that supports their aspirations and objectives;
Support clients to access their core values and bind them to their vision;
Support clients to overcome obstacles, barriers, fears while achieving the desired vision;
Develop a strategy for the integration of acquired coaching skills in your work and personal life.
Step 4 (Advanced coaching skills)
Terms and prices
Step 1
- 50 hours
- Step 1
Steps 1 - 3
- 130 hours
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
Steps 1 - 4
- 154 hours
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Step 4
- Mentoring for accredtation and CKA* preparation
Flexible plan
- 154 hours
- Step 1 €1090
- Step 2 €990
- Step 3 €990
- Step 4 €990
- Mentoring for accredtation and CKA* preparation
All prices are VAT excluded.
*CKA = Coach Knowledge Assessment
Who are the trainers and facilitators in the coach training?
Next open groups
15 October 2024
Sign up for the winter edition of the coach training in Bulgarian language.
Sign up today and book your place!
April 2025
Sign up for the spring edition of the coach training in Bulgarian language.
Sign up today and book your place!
October 2025
Sign up for the winter edition of the coach training in Bulgarian language.
Sign up today and book your place!
What others say about the training
Най-ценното което получих от „ПУЛСът на Коучинга“ беше уверението ми, че коучингът наистина работи на всички нива и във всички сфери на живота. Благодарна съм за възможността да взема участие в обучението и се запозная със всички тези прекрасни хора, за преподаваните теми по такъв лесен, приятен и усвоим начин.
Онлайн провеждането беше изключително улесняващо. Бях скептична към 100% онлайн, но съм впечатлена към момента. Балансът теория/практика е идеален. Предварителното изпращане на материалите много ми допада.
Воденето от двете ви беше уау удоволствено и мотивиращо. Това, че сте двете дава много на програмата. Вие сте прекрасен екип. Едва ли виждам и половината от това, което правите там зад вашия компютър, но ме оставяте с усещането за цялост. Супер е, че водите силно интерактивно, пишете по дъската и закачате мълчаливите. Записите са нещо много яко! Коучинг сесиите с вас също!
Трите най-големи ползи за мен от програмата са:
– започнах да се усещам почти винаги, когато давам съвети с убеденост, че са важни за човека от среща. И когато се усетя – започвам да задавам въпроси да разбера все пак човека къде …на скалата е 🙂
– напомням си по-често, че човека отсреща е перфектен такъв какъвто е и няма нужда да го поправяме 🙂
– когато нещо започне да ме терзае прекалено много сядам с мене си и започва автокоуинг 🙂 Понякога ми се получава!Това са прекрасни ползи за мен. Благодаря! 🙂
Логическата подредба на отделните части на всяка сесия имаше силен ефект за разбирането и запомнянето (теория, демо, практика). Напомнянето от водещите за триадите и подкрепата за тяхното организиране беше голяма. Насърчаването на самоподготовка и допълнителните материли разшири допълнително ползата от обучението в сесиите.
Трите най-големи ползи за мен от прогама са стабилната теоретична основа, възможността за практика, обратната връзка и ясните и изчерпателни отговори от водещите.
Дори надхвърля първоначалните ми очаквания като положителни промени в начина ми на мислене и комуникация, както и по отношение на придобитите знания и умения. Аз реално имам увереността, че мога да практикувам коучинг още сега (макар и с ясното съзнание, че имам още много какво да уча и усъвършенствам).
Много ми допада спокойствието, увлекателното и структурираното предаване на материала. Много ми помага да проследя последователността на темите. Трите най-големи ползи за мен от програмата са нови полезни навици, нови гледни точки и знания, нови умения.
Харесва ми начинът на провеждане – гъвкав, съвременен и иновативен. Мисля, че съдържанието беше добре подбрано – уместно, разбираемо, но и предизвикателно.